Friday 24 July 2015

HOUSEHOLD SAFETY- How safe is your Kitchen for children?

A home is a place where the family comes back to rest, bond and stay. Its a haven made specifically for all members of the family to relax and feel safe. However , how safe can a home be especially with little and young children around? An accident or injury can occur in any part of your home. Some safety hazards are obvious — such as a toy truck left lying at the top of the stairs. Others are not so easily identified — such as a stairway railing that has become loose.
The following check list will help you identify the hazards in the home and take necessary actions to mitigate on any accident.

  • Put all knives, forks, scissors, and other sharp tools in a lockable drawer.
  • Position all chairs and step stools away from the stove.
  • While cooking, place all pot handles on the stove turned inward or placed on back burners where kids can't reach.
  • Store all glass objects and appliances with sharp blades stored out of reach of children.
  • Unplugged all electrical appliances when not in use and keep the cords out of reach for children.
  • Tightly close all vitamin or medicine bottles and stored in a high cabinet.
  • Store all matches and lighters in a lockable drawer or out of reach for children.
  • Keep the cabinet under the sink free of cleaning supplies, bug sprays, dishwasher detergent, and dish washing them in a safe place away from children.
  • Do not keep alcohol and bottles within children reach.
  • Remove any plastic garbage bags and sandwich bags to avoid suffocation from children using them as playing tools.
  • All cords or wires from wall telephones or cable TV should be placed or installed at a height higher for the children.
  • Always install a working fire extinguisher and teach/educate all family members on how to use it.
  • The child's highchair should have a safety belt with a strap between the legs for safety.
  •  Child proof latches should be installed on all cabinet doors in the house.
There are so many much more that has to be installed or checked in the kitchen, of importance is to provide a first aid box with neccessary essential and endevour to train some family members or the house help in basic first aid.

I trust this information will go a long way to assist us check and remain vigilant in making out kitchen safe.
Feel free to add more point in the comment section.
Your contribution is highly valued.

Am looking forward to hearing from you.

Have a safe and productive day.


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